Tuesday, September 29, 2009

back to the blog

well I have wayyyy slipped as I haven't blogged in quite a while although I don't even know who cares to read them anyway. Not too sure if my other half ever read them.... hmmmmm... the world may never know as alas I have never been one he would comment on anyway this aparently is reserved elsewhere. Anyway this week has been one for the books. Since going into details of this weeks and last weeks occurences would simply drive me into a pointless rant which I will decline to do that at this moment in time . lol.

I am sooo very super tired. Ever since Bj has shown me how to play COH i have been hooked. I rather enjoy the fact that we have something we both like to do. There are lots of things we liked to do together but as far as games go we usually don't play them together. And this one well this one we will soon be able to play together which will be AWESOME! Yeah so I paprently do have an uber geek side lol who knew.

So needless to say I have been up to all hours of the night playing this game. On the weekend I seem to have to stay up till 5 or 6 am and as a matter of fact 8 am sunday morning I was just crawling into to bed with the long past asleep Bj. So he says the luster will wear off sometime but as I dont see it yet maybe it's because I'm not as well in tune with the game as he is. Everytime he logs on he gets into alt itch and plays a character for 2 seconds before he changes toons. LOL .

well I'm off for now will catch up another day not in the mood to rant today.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friggin Friday AGAIN.....

Damn if this week wasn't a long one... not that everyone isn't but we have been getting less and less sleep. I guess we truly will sleep when we r dead. Our kids , work, training, family time, we are always so busy. The days when we do have time to do stuff is simply over ruled by the things we want to do instead of the ones we have to do. Hopefully this weekend we will actually get to do something.... but alas who knows because you never know what will happen.

We were hoping to take a trip to the local funny named club that Bj just has to go to because it is so named. so we will see if we do get to go this weekend , if not well there is always other times right. Oh well. We shall see what happens.

Tomorrow night is time for XCW action again, sux that we couldn't have the show tonight it would have been awesome, and the crowd would have been big which has been a while since we had a crowd like that. Hopefully soon we will get to bring shows back to Denton and see where business goes from there. It is already September the year has gone by pretty quickly I think.

Looking forward to the beginning of the year though to see how things go from there. We will have some time to figure out what we are going to do from there. We also get to take that trip to Wrestlemania which looks to be awesome. We also are going to Vegas which will be fun hopefully we will get to see Bjs brother from another mother and his awesome wifey.

Well off to try to clean something ugghhhhh

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This week......

Well still have been way too busy to post anything lately so lets catch up...... XCW has brought into power the likes of Lance Romance....... we shall see where that goes..... this past weeks show was a little on the "ehhhh" side. Not too much hype from the non existent crowd. The fire department however was on scene to observe the goings on... lol. Watch Evans tap out not 2 seconds after he had Apoc's hands wrapped over his face... that was just funny. It's hard when you get two people in the ring and people don't chant for the face...... hmmmm. So we will see what the Decatur show brings as far as entertainment.

Today is Thursday Bj is on his way to Decatur now to help put up the ring... yay. Tomorrow hopefully we will have the boys and we will all go out to the Decatur show. I am so very sleep though, we do not nearly get enough sleep. Our day starts very early in the morning and ends very late at night. I suppose we could sleep when we are dea but our bodies crave the rest.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

ready for the weekend

Well its almost friday which means the weekend is sooo close. I am exhausted and ready for it too. Hoping of course that we get to sleep all weekend... yeah right lol . well short and sweet tonight as Bj has work to do :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009


To say the least of what happened tonight in Pilot Point. My favorite wrestler has now associated himself with the likes of someone who shouldn't even be allowed in the ring......

I was so disappointed to see the results of the last match, I already knew that Lance woould win however I did not anticipate what went down. I did not picture that Gemini ( two face) would do such a thing. I admire him for he wrestler that he is and have a hard time accepting the fact that he went and did an underhanded thing like that. He has always been a straight forward guy and to see him do that just broke my heart.

Now I do know that it is all for the show and the need to keep things fresh and going on, but there are just things that still shock me when I see them and don't like it. He is still my favorite wrestler and I have nothing but love for him and his family. They really are the best I don't agree with the things that happened tonight,........ but I know it's part of the show and I really can't be mad at him..... Guess I will just be mad at Nite lol .

So as Nite says they are going to clean up XCW, I hope that he begins with putting a stop to the wrestlers disrobing in the ring, and Eddie showing his butt to everyone and even putting his bare behind on the fans..... hmmm..... we shall see.

I do know that I will still not like it but I do however think that Lance should have been fired a long time ago as his nastiness is one of the manyt hings they should "clean up".

Still unhappy..............

Thursday, August 13, 2009

thank goodness

Today is the start of my weekend.... took the day off tomorrow. Wish Bj could stay home with me too as he is well past exhausted. We never seem to catch up on sleep. Our days are so very busy, and it seems we never get done what we need to get done.

So to catch up since I haven't been even able to blog like before...... something happened this past weekend that really got under my skin. I don't like being disrespected especially when it come to my man.... I will just leave it there I could go off on a rant about stupid females and how they act and how I would love to beat the crap out of one in particular but alas I won't. I do know that I love my man very much and will continue to stand beside him. As for the dumb stuff I really don't have time for it. However should it happen again I will do exactly what I wanted to do this past weekend and beat her face in.... ahhhhhhhh

So today Bj has training and again and he is so very tired. His shoulder still hurting, my poor baby. The boys are not here tonight but will be back tomorrow. I miss them already :( The girls have aparently decided to show their butts today too , but that will be over quick fast and in a hurry lol.

Well off to feed the kids have a massive headache and all I want to do is lay down with the man I love and sleep......

Friday, August 7, 2009

Yay its friday

I'm so excited it is the weekend? Bj's dad will be here tomorrow and Angel will be home Sunday.WOOOTTTT! I miss my baby girl so very much!

Bj is hurting again although not quite as much as last time. His elbows still hurt as well as his shoulder. One day he will not hurt anymore. Hopefully that day comes soon but I am almost sure that as he learns new things he will still have new hurts. He's going back to running more now which will help he needs to blow himself up on a regular basis so that he will not be so winded.
XCW is back in Pilot Point Saturday night. Looking forward to having Bj's dad there with us.

well starting my weekend off now can't wait to relax although I probably won't get any sleep.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a new time

So I haven't been here since last week. A lot has been going on, we have had the boys which is awesome that we have gotten to spend so much time with them. I miss my oldest as she is still in Iowa.... today is her 8th birthday..... she is growing up so fast. Thank goodness she comes home next week. Bj's mom hs gone home and isn't in the most pleasant of moods but alas there are some things that happen in this life and some people who are never happy with any of it.

I love and support Bj in all his endeavors and try to be the best I can be with everyone, today he took a stand for himself and for us. Some things were said about little high yellow Envi and it was not the reaction that was anticipated I'm sure.

Tonight is training and I'm sure he will be tired and sore and ready to soak as he comes home. My hope is that i will have everything done for him. Dinner ready, kids bathed and in bed, and me with open arms ready to apply icy hot lol.

Well hopefully things will get better from here on out. Bj's Dad is coming into town this weekend which is awesome :) The boys haven't gotten to see him in some time and they are looking forward to it. Totally not the same experience with the mom as Dad is much cooler and much more supportive:) Plus I like him and he likes us :)

Well more tomorrow off to feed our kids :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today... all I can say is that I'm here. Last night went well for training I think. Although there is that one person who tried to take off my baby's head... hmmm can anyone say "shank" lol. There are all sorts of people you meet in wrestling. Sometimes it's hard to see until to get deeper in it. Right now the Mr. is getting to knwo who's who and who they are tied to so as not to step on anyones toes or make any enemies.

SO why do people try to do their best to hurt you in the ring on top of it's training so you do everything in slow motion at first and not full steam. hmmmm, I wonder. SO we have to sit and watch and wait although really in the ring it doesn't matter if you don't get along, hell even if you hate the person. Persoanl difference aside you will respect each other and work together. I do however wonder if you choose not to work with someone how much work you will actually get? Probably not much.

So I will save my anger and just shank them in the parking lot LMAO. Ok so I won't but I will definitely bide my time until someone kicks their butt. Hell I will probably instigate it. REALLY.

Now on another note since I'm a little perturbed , I love Bj with all my heart. I love his Dad and Step Mom, his best friend and his Mrs. They are all wonderful. Now the mom - in - law is different. I am a little upset at myself because I got very upset yesterday and could not contain it. I am never one to hold my tongue nor punches. I am the kind of person that will not pretend to be anyone I am not. Now the in law has been here for a couple of days and has managed to really get under the skin. I am trying my best not to blow up although I fear I'm still managing to let it out on him. Of course it isn't ok either because I don't want to argue with him about stuff that isn't his fault. However I kind of feel like I'm expected to hold it in and not say anything so as not to anger anyone else.... HOW?

Not only because of how I am feeling about things that have gone on, but more so because I dislike anyone putting him down. AND I definitely don't like anyone saying it to the boys either. Basically she is putting him down not only by telling him but then trying to make them less in their eyes. Who does that? This is your child and your grandchildren, how could you want to make them think that he is less of a man or that he's not good enough. I really hope that it gets better only I don't see it happening. I really don't think I can hold my tongue forever, and when we have another one, will she try to tell them those things too? Not on my watch. We will fight.

I am so proud of Bj, I am behind him 100% in all that he is taking on. Hell, I love going to wrestling with him. It's awesome, and to see him in the ring. He still ebats himself up about everything Life in general as well, and I really do know why. How do you reverse a lifetime of people telling you that you are not good enough?

We do not talk to our kids that way, we do not discourage them, nor tell them that they are dumb. Having 4 kids is not easy by any means and we have made some mistakes sure, but we are now and will always be better parents than our parents were. Sorry for the rant I think I feel a little better now that I have eaten something. I wish people would be different though but change doesn't always come.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

this week.....

Well it's Saturday and I haven't been on here in a minute... work has been real busy. So today i'm supposed to start cleaning the house as Bj's mom will be here on Monday. Yet I don't really feel up to it since I've been in a little pain. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Tonight of course it's time to get TEXTREME!!!! XCW will be in Pilot Point again tonight, and we will be there front and center as always :) Looking at getting there a little early and hopefully tomorrow will be able to get everything done like we need to. Really don't want to give anyone a reason to complain but alas it will probably happen anyway.

well off to make dinner and get ready to go :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Friggin yippee it's Monday ......

Well this weekend was a good one I have to admit. Got the boys on Friday although through drama yet again. Bobby, and the fam came over Friday night, yay for me making enchiladas, and tacos.... it was pretty cool. Although next time we will definitely have to get home earlier so that I can cook...

Saturday was great! Bobby had his debut match, and I can't wait to see Bj's first.... it will probably suck, but hey it will still be awesome! Last night we were searching for more moves for his aresenal. I like having other friends we can hang out with and they have a little girl who plays with ours. It's nice. They say that when you're parents your friends are other parents. They are easier to get along with. Bj and Bobby have a lot of things to talk about which makes it so much better, they wrestle together and all in all we have some pretty good times. I really do like them. Harleigh is the cutest little girl with the biggest blue eyes. Carrie and Bobby are funny as all get out and it's just cool.

Things are just going well at the moment. I do miss Angel but she will be home soon. She is turning 8 in like 15 days..... man times go sa fast. We have 3 8 yr olds and then little Envi who's going to be 3. I have to say I really am very happy at the moment. I have an awesome man, whom I love so very much, good friends, great kids ( even when Bj wants to strangle them lol ) Bj is able to pursue things in life that he has wanted to do for a long time. He's training to be the best cruiser weight in Texas. About to start filming for Insource and he's geeked about that. I love to see him like that it makes me happy too.

And even though it's always about Bj........ I think he likes to see me happy too...LOL

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday is upon us....

Thank goodness tomorrow is Wednesday. Our smallest has been sick her asthma has been acting up real bad, now.... I have picked up a head cold. Totally awesome of course because it's hot as you know what here and not being able to breathe is not cool......

Alas friday will be here soon enough I hope :) Bj will be meeting with Billy this week to talk about some stuff, which is good. Tonight is training and Bj will get in the ring again with Backwoods Bobby!!! hee hee , I do love watching them and even though I don't feel so hot I think we will go anyway and watch him, well really depends on how the baby is when I get home.

Today went by fairly quickly as I only worked half a day :) and now.. it's time to go home to my man and my baby girl.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Yes ... it's Monday.....

Well woke up late this morning after a long night with our youngest. Was up and down a few times last night, still wishing I could make it all go away.... When Bj woke me up this morning I had like 5 minutes before I had to jet out the door.

So he's being the awesome man he is and staying home with her. You know he really is so great about that.... I love knowing that when it happens he doesn't even hesitate to stay home with them.... he really is awesome!

Although aparently according to Bobby they are both awesome as they are wrestlers and in order for me to understand I would have to wrestle... LOL. I think Bobby, Carrie and Harleigh are cool. Harleigh of course being 2 1/2 and just like Naiya. At least when I meet and see other little kids and they do the same things that my little kids do, then I don't feel so bad. I know kids all have their quirks. I just love them :) I really do love kids. My own especially all 4 of them.

Well back to work I go as today is such a busy day. Joy oh joy :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yay.... it's Friday.......

Last night was fun. Watched Bj running drills.... it was pretty cool I must admit. I enjoy being there with him and even though he still beats himself up after every move he thinks he doesn't do right he's getting a little better at it. I think he's getting more confident as when they are running drills he's not thinking about how he looks he's thinking about what the next move is.... and how fun it is.... THIS is the point it is what he should be thinking and is awesome to see him.

Well tomorrow is XCW woo hoo, I love going , love the show, and my absolute favorite wrestler ( at least 'til Bj is out) is the current XCW Heavyweight Champion.... AWESOME! Hoping the heat has gone down by the time we get there.... really.... Texas is so dang humid :(

Looking forward to the weekend, hoping to get some kind of rest as we don't get much during the week. The boys will be here next weekend, we haven't seen them in over a month... miss them. I miss Angel too of course, can't wait 'til she comes home.

Well, before I leave for the weekend I have some final touches to add to the desk of a coworker as I am currently drawing a picture of him with one foot in the grave.... and hanging all his little homie figures from the cieling..... TGIF!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today is definitely Wack friggin Wednesday

Ok so today I am actually feeling a little goofy... wait.. oh my bad I'm kinda always that way . As I sit here for some dang reason I can't get Steve Wonder's My Cherie Amor out of my head...WTF.

Anyway.... so last night Bj got to practice a set, which was cool for him. I have to admit I do like seeing him in the ring... Can't wait to have the kids see him, although I think that Little High Yellow Envi will probably be yelling stop it and telling people to leave him alone. LOL she loves her some Bj, even though he tries to claim she doesn't love on him... ( he's pretty full of it)...

Anyway I watched him look like he was getting pummeled last night. Of course Bobby is such a big guy I think the first time he hit him in the shoulder Bobby actually hit him, and he nearly flipped over.... OMG I was like OUCH..... I really love when he stops . for that split second. doesn't think about what he's doing, and just does it. It's awesome! It looks great! ..... but..... then when we tell him it looks good... there goes my baby, over analyzing... trying to figure out what he did so he can do it again.... and no matter how many times I tell him not to.. he does it anyway. He still gets hard on himself, and he doesn't have to be. Just get up and do it again, don't worry about what it looked like, just go for it. You know when he gets past his brain... it's going to be a beautiful thing....

My honey right now is already geeked about March...... YES , WrestleMania XXVI.... Phoenix here we come again.... guess taking the trip made him think we could just drive over there anytime..... LOL... We will definitely need to be getting a bigger car to take all the kiddos! Or there will be some fighting..lol.

Tonight... we rest... well maybe Bj will get some rest if I let him... :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trash talkin Tuesday.........

My nerves are on hinges today... I have no tolerance for ignorance or those who act like everyone else is dumber than they are.... Well ok so I have a little tolerance for it since Bj .... well Bj "knows" he's better than everyone. That's how he puts it...

There are rare occasions in this life where i'm not always right about certain things. at least where my emotions.. ie. fears, influence my thoughts or decisions. Like I said though they are rare.....

Now when it comes to my job... I am rather anal about what I do and how I do it. And I don't like being scrutinized by lesser people..... Especially when I know for a fact and can prove that I am right...

Enough about that I will just get farther into a boiling over mode... Tonight is training...
Wondering since Bobby is going to be a permanent fixture ( which is a good thing), how much selling, and how much OMG not breathing, Bj will do tonight... I so do love being there with him and watching because I absorb things too, and will use it later as we further his progress.

Today is almost over and I already wish I was with my family....... Off to work I go again.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ah..... Monday.......

Well it's Monday yet again, and since we had a long weekend it is uber busy today. The wonderful thing is that my partner in crime is back from vacation...... woohoo means I at least get some kind of help on my side since, Bj's favorite person doesn't really do anything all day but sit and complain and ... oh yeah he can't really help me anyway... he's worthless. Besides the fact that no one can stand him, no one wants him to touch their records or make their reservations.....

Hmmmm.... wonder why maybe it's his lack of understanding completely simple english instructions... maybe if we tell him in spanish..lol...

So ... we actually caught up on rest this weekend.. yay... learned a little more about COH.... doesn't look like it would be as difficult to learn how to generally play but unlike the love of my life, I'm not a computer lingo type. I don't know everything and would probably sit there and bug him everytime someone typed something I didn't unerstand. Then again learning the emote codes and stuff that aren't on there and ... well it's a lot of info to learn but I really look forward to being able to sit and play with him :)

Well Bj says he already knows what is happening tonight on RAW so we will probably watch it after it records so he can jump through all the parts he doesn't care to see or hear lol....

Time to get back to the grindstone since I have a stack of papers I have to get to before 5.....

Can't wait to be home with my little fraggle and my man.... wonder who's cooking dinner tonight?????? Maybe Bj.... since tomorrow is my day and he has training.... thank goodness for those nice hot baths with all those sore muscles. Hopefully he will get to learn how to breathe when Bobby hits him with those massive forearms.....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Training day

Today I didn't get to go with my baby to training :( alas baby girl hadn't eaten and was going to get fussy and hungry. Although she was all for going... yes my kids love wrestling... all 4 of them. And Yaya she loves her some Bj, even when she doesn't want anything to do with him lol....

I am sure he is being hard on himself , how I wish he wouldn't, but I guess it's something he has to get through and get over. I hope he's not over analyzing stuff right about now .... now just as I know he is. It's in his nature he can't really help it.

He's only been gone a short while but I miss him so very much, I rather enjoy being with him and watching him train because it helps me help him. Well maybe Thursday I will get to go again once we can figure out what " little high yellow envi" lol is going to do or at least get her dinner on the way so she can eat.

So back to waiting for my baby to come home so I can find out what went on today.....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Back to work

Well vacation is over and today was back to work as usual...well so I thought. Aparently one of my co workers has cleaned out her desk.. you know the kind of thing people do when they are leaving and don't want to tell anyone..hmmmm. Well to each his own I guess. The fued started a while ago when someone didn't like something... it was one of those days when they were all acting like children.... I have my own and don't particularly enjoy dealing with people at work who don't know how to talk to other people. Anyway, a buys day for me of course as I do so much there and am always swamped. Another reason that I am always busy and having to work my butt off is because there is only one other person who can help me... and when either of us go on vacation well, the other is just busy :) but alas at least I have a job.

So now that vacation is over, it was fun the long drive was exhausting, but well I enjoyed getting away. Since this was my first time seeing the ocean I was good. And to have been there with the girls and my honey... all the better. It was a few firsts for me actually, first time in Cali, first time in the ocean, first road trip with anyone let alone a man. I'm glad though, Bj was great he did most of the driving for the trip. I drove more on the way home than I did on the way out there. Yes he deserves the recognition.. or so he keeps telling me...lol. Jermaine and Chennel are cool as hell, hopefully they will be able to come down to Texas to visit. We will have to arrange something to where we can take them out somewhere. Although we kind of have to go somewhere ourselves. We don't go to clubs well because we have the kids, but I think we will have to set some stuff up for their visit.

And Bj's dad and step mom are always nice to be around. Even though Bj was complaining about steak.... they are vegetarians... he did get his meat though...:) that's my baby!

Well tomorrow is back to training will have to remind my baby he's got cardio to do today:) I'm off to make my man and my fraggle some dinner...ciao

Friday, June 19, 2009

Today is the day

So we start our journey today... the wonderfully long drive. I think that it will be exhausting but I am looking forward to having an actual vacation with my baby and the girls. Since it will be my first time actually seeing the ocean it will be awesome. Bj of course has seen it many times, but here in Texas all we have is a dirty coast and since I don't go anywhere.. well....

Anyway, Bj is looking forward to seeing his best friend, and his Dad. It is a lot for us to do in a week but I think we will be ok. Now it's just what to do with Skye ( Bj's dog ) lol. Not wanting Bj to be worried about her, even though she will be fine!!! Don't want our vacation to not be as great as it will be because he's worrying about how she is. Skye is kind of our other child though she is a pain in the butt, and even though he thinks I don't like her ( which is not the case). She does get on my nerves, and tear up my stuff, and he doesn't bathe her....yes procrastination. He has been saying for weeks...no months...that he is going to bathe her. Well i guess she will be getting bathed today because before she gets in the car for hours with me she will not be stinky... and that means her carrier too.

So..... we are about to start out tonight , of course in theory around 7pm or so to drive to get to my moms. This is considering that we get everything done so that we can go on time. we shall see...

Last night we were at training again, and Bj still beats himself up, and over analyzes stuff. He has moments where he's doing way better, and then if you tell him it's good, he still tries to analyze what he just did to try to do it the same way again. He's going to get it one day, we really need to get elbow and knee pads. My poor baby looks like the poster child for Band-aid. One day he will get it all together, he's learning stuff and of course I do too as I watch him. Although eventually I will start looking at matches the way they do critiquing and watching. I do think I found an anwer for his question abotu what he should be studying.

Not just the style because you really create your own style of wrestling, it's basically what works for you. It's how they sell, how and when they use the moves. What it looks like how it works. When good times are to use certain moves or when to use them. WHen it's too much, how the chains fit together. How it gets the crowd, how to pace yourself and not rush through. What you should be thinking in the ring is how do I want this to play out. Watching matches you can watch what people are doing, think about other ways it could have been done. How certain people work, how it looks. It's more for generating ideas as opposed to doing what they do. watching how the match works. Eddie is really great when it comes to putting matches together, and the ideas flow. It's awesome to watch. He knows how the crowds work, and how it should look. It's easy to wacth and see why do extra moves and break stride when you can easily work it another way. There is always a different angle.

Eddie training Bj is truely an awesome thing. Bj can learn so much from him.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another day closer

Well it's Thursday and I did absolutely nothing last night that I intended to do....hmmm is porcrastination contagious. Well tonight is training and we are going to make a list too so that we can do the things we need to do for tomorrow so we can leave. Hopefully Bj will not use too much of his brain tonight ..LOL... it's a process I just don't like to watch him beat himself up.

So today turned out to not be such a great day, I have been arguing with my sister in law who thinks it's her place to tell me about what I should do with my mom and how I should talk to her. And then we found out that one of my uncles past away yesterday in a freak construction accident.

Well, I don't really have much else to say today...sorry.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump Day

Last night Bj was beating himself up again, not just literally. He is so very hard on himself, and he doesn't need to be. I worry that when I try to point out that it's okay to suck right now he doesn't realize that I don't mean it in a bad way at all. When the other guys get in the ring with Eddie he is watching and critiquing the moves they make. It's harder to have learned and been doing things a certain way and then have to be told to do them right.

The guys are there and they are re-learning stuff too. Bj has a clean slate he's learning from the ground up, the other guys have been doing it for a while and some things they can do and others they can't. Every single one of those guys had to go through the same thing.... I know my baby and I understand that there are certain things he just wants to do right. And him having watched other guys for so long and wanting to be in the ring is not going to make him an expert. He knows it's hard work, we can't jump from one day to the other and be perfect... well I can lol.

If you take a step and watch some guys in the ring... yes even in the WWE, and ROH... they still mess stuff up. So, it stands to realize that in this business there is no such thing as perfection... Even when you have it all down you can have off days and mess stuff up. The point is to get it into your head that you have to do everything over and over and over again until it's a knee jerk reaction to go this way or that way or to not protect your body as it falls to the mat.

The day will come when the brain takes a step back and allows the body to do what it's being trained to do. And one day he will be in the ring and it will not be so perfect, but he will let it roll of his shoulders and move on without punishing himself in the ring.

Bj will be there one day and he is reaching for his dreams he only has to realize that in this case you can walk to your dream instead of running, and it won't be lost. Not everything will come easy, he's learning this about life in general.... We all have hard times every one of us, life isn't sunshine and lollipops. We walk through fire and brimstone sometimes for those we love and to get through those rocky times we have to have faith and believe in ourselves and those who are standing there with us. I believe in him and I know that practice makes perfect! So I can't wait to see where he goes with everything. Can't wait to boo him when he walks down to the ring and make sure others boo him too LOL

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Tuesday is here and it's time for training.... tonight I will cook while we are waiting to go then off to Pilot Point it is for another day of training for Bj. We will also be finding out the particulars of next weeks back to back shows. The Heavy Weight Title Tournament... woohoo plus the Decatur show... We of course will not make both shows which I am a little bummed about. You can't have everything though huh .... At least we are getting to leave Texas together and go see both family and friends. Angel will be spending the summer in Cali which she is looking forward to, and we get to see Bj's bestfriend, his Dad, and the beach... Awesome times, hopefully it will be well worth the drive.

We still have some things to work out and actually draw out a plan since my loving Bj doesn't always work well aparently without one. So tonight is training and tomorrow we will get both shows done for the Insider. we have lots of stuff to do which we really should have been getting done this weekend but, well we were kind of just didn't finish it all.

The laundry however did get done since aparently that is one of the many things I'm good at; other than translating AAA wrestling on Sundays for Bj.

Now Raw last night, the big 3 hour special.... they had the Intercontinental match, the ECW title match, and the WWE title match all with the first hour.... ?? then Donald Trump the new owner of RAW...WTF? Ok so no... Sounds like another big shannigan but I guess we will see what happens. Jericho retains the Intercontinental title by way of pulling on the face mask of Rey Mysterio.( Jericho's quote.. You all are the same ignorant, insipid, bulbous, manatees you have always been ) .. , Tommy Dreamer retained the title, winning because of a relatively fluke ankle injury suffered by Christian. Orton became WWE champion of course seizing opportunity and suprising the Big Show with the RKO. Now being that Cole said something about the cover of the magazine showing Randy on the cover before the match was even started kind of let it out, but still I don't like Orton anyway ( not that I'm supposed to he is a heel). My fave quote of the day John Cena on Randy Orton: "Why does a WWE Superstar with so much talent continue to be such a gutless, spineless, disrespectful grand wizard of the Baby Oil Boy's Club?"( LOVE IT)

Mickie James won her match against Rosa Mendez with a nice clean DDT, Bj's not too big on the women of WWE but Mickie can actually wrestle ( so he says ). Then Goldust and Hornswaggle came out with the T-Shirt gun, and were interrupted by the Miz, who said he wanted to impress Trump and ended up attacking Goldust, after some advice given my Goldust to the Miz. Cm Punk retained the title also being opportunistic taking advantage after Jeff landed the Swanton Bomb. Now as Punk celebrated Tedyy Long came out and notified him of the next time he will defend the title against Jeff at Bash!!! Now unlike Bj I am a fan of Jeff, I know he has his reasons but I like him and am looking forward to wacthing the title change hands, ( now that's just me).

DiBiase and Rhodes caused a DQ in the Tag Team match, part of their plan to gain the titles of course. In the 10 man battle royal Triple H won and got the title shot against Orton at Bash. Bj of course not agreeing as this to him is Stale rerun #1 ( Orton vs Triple H ) but alas it was either that or the rerun ( Orton vs Cena). Trump came out at the end of the show to announce that the title match will NOT be at bash instead it will air on next week's RAW, which is by the way shceduled to air commercial free. Personally I rather enjoy watching Orton get his butt kicked regardless of who deals it.

And the convo with Vince and Santino/Santina lol
Santino: "I just wanted it be clear, although there's a new owner of Raw, we still have our jobs, right? Let's jus say there was a Superstar who had, I don't know, let's just say, a twin sister and everybody thought they were the same person because said sister had no cleavage, a five o'clock shadow, and what appeared to be a set of testicles?"

McMahon: "Knowing Donald, he might be attracted to your sister, but there's no guarantee. Donald Trump will do whatever Donald Trump wants to do."

McMahon: "If there's one thing I hate, it's a billionaire with a huge ego."

Santino: "You must hate yourself then... But next to Donald Trump, you're not even that rich... I mean, no, no, you're rich, and trust me, you have a humongous ego. You are a success. You're just getting older and should spend some time with the grandkids. You're almost 70, right? Ahh, 60. Not a day over 50. You're younger than me. I've got to go!"

Anyway since this is new for me to actually be writing as far as the WWE break down, I usually leave it up to Bj he does it better than I do anyway. Well the end of the day rapidly approaches then it's off to Pilot Point, and another day closer to Friday.... WooHoo. I really am looking forward to this trip and us going to a real beach as opposed to the not so hot looking Texas coast. I do love Texas, but there are some things I can do without. Next vacation Bj says we can go to Vegas.. :) although I am going to miss him the couple days later this summer where he goes to VA to visit and bring back the boys... what am I saying I always miss him, if we could spend all day together I would. Tonight when we get home he will soak beacuse of the training and we will sit to watch ECW as we eat dinner at 11pm. LOL

Monday, June 15, 2009


Well today is Monday and in true fashion is a pain in the butt. Walked into work this morning with wonderful things to do.. I do so love when grown adults act like children and create drama in the workplace ( it's awesome )!!! Not..

Anyway so Saturday night was a HOT night in more ways than one, I rather enjoyed a few matches and of course in my fashion will be reading the results this week... wonder if I will have to mention the injury that sent someone to the hospital?

Now tonight is the 3 hour WWE and I definitely will be on the couch with Bj watching. Now even though he talks about how I have issues with how much he watches ( which is not the case). I love watching even though we both like different people and he sits there and talks smack about the guys that I do like... of course typical Bj... even in the movies he can't be quiet has to be talkin smack about stuff, but alas I guess that's what makes so good at what he does. ( not that I want to smack him on occasion ..lol)

We are off to Cali on Friday.. well Saturday morning... this should be intersting 20 hrs on the road with the girls... yippeee. I am actually looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law and the kids. And definitely meeting Bj's best friend. We are also stopping in Arizona on the way home to visit Bj's Dad. Good thing we don't have a show this week. Hoping we will at least make it home for the tournament on the 27th; I would really hate to miss the chance to boo my favorite wrestler.. No secret I am actually a very big fan of the Master of the G-Force super kick Gemini!!! All of our kids have one of his shirts, they of course agree with me on that part ( not that I sway them or anything ) lol. Then of course sometimes Jacob is rather stubborn like his daddy and wants to go against me , I just hold it against Bj of course.:)

Again looking forward to joining Bj at training tomorrow, always a great experience for me to watch him. I think the kids are going to love it too. Maybe Pops will get the swamp boxes working soon so we won't be so dang hot since it's supposed to be damn near 100 degrees this week... I sure hope it's cooler in Cali :) well back to work for me, half a day to go then home to my honey and wrestling:)

Friday, June 12, 2009

This is me

So as Bj has gotten me into this site I thought I would put something of myself out here. I am a Texan by birth, I have been here my whole life. I am originally from San Antonio, and moved up here last year with Bj and the girls. I have two girls of my own Angel and Naiya, and two twin step-sons Caleb and Jacob. It's a wonderful time with all four of them as we have three 8 yr olds, and Naiya the 2 yr old terror. Now we have been through some times since we have been here , and looks like things are looking up, at least I hope.

Bj has begun a life long dream in training for wrestling. He has even had the chance to be trained by someone that he not only looks up to, but is a fan of ( which is thoroughly fantastic for him). I am fully supportive of him and love being there with him. This is a part of my life that he has brought me into and I enjoy sharing it with him. I am also becoming a part of it all and it is great. Currently I am the voice for XCW's Insider results with SK1. This is something I am learning and look forward to being even better at, although right now what I do is basically read off last weeks results. Still it gives me a small part in this which allows us another thing that we do together.

I look forward to a bright future:)