Friday, June 19, 2009

Today is the day

So we start our journey today... the wonderfully long drive. I think that it will be exhausting but I am looking forward to having an actual vacation with my baby and the girls. Since it will be my first time actually seeing the ocean it will be awesome. Bj of course has seen it many times, but here in Texas all we have is a dirty coast and since I don't go anywhere.. well....

Anyway, Bj is looking forward to seeing his best friend, and his Dad. It is a lot for us to do in a week but I think we will be ok. Now it's just what to do with Skye ( Bj's dog ) lol. Not wanting Bj to be worried about her, even though she will be fine!!! Don't want our vacation to not be as great as it will be because he's worrying about how she is. Skye is kind of our other child though she is a pain in the butt, and even though he thinks I don't like her ( which is not the case). She does get on my nerves, and tear up my stuff, and he doesn't bathe her....yes procrastination. He has been saying for months...that he is going to bathe her. Well i guess she will be getting bathed today because before she gets in the car for hours with me she will not be stinky... and that means her carrier too.

So..... we are about to start out tonight , of course in theory around 7pm or so to drive to get to my moms. This is considering that we get everything done so that we can go on time. we shall see...

Last night we were at training again, and Bj still beats himself up, and over analyzes stuff. He has moments where he's doing way better, and then if you tell him it's good, he still tries to analyze what he just did to try to do it the same way again. He's going to get it one day, we really need to get elbow and knee pads. My poor baby looks like the poster child for Band-aid. One day he will get it all together, he's learning stuff and of course I do too as I watch him. Although eventually I will start looking at matches the way they do critiquing and watching. I do think I found an anwer for his question abotu what he should be studying.

Not just the style because you really create your own style of wrestling, it's basically what works for you. It's how they sell, how and when they use the moves. What it looks like how it works. When good times are to use certain moves or when to use them. WHen it's too much, how the chains fit together. How it gets the crowd, how to pace yourself and not rush through. What you should be thinking in the ring is how do I want this to play out. Watching matches you can watch what people are doing, think about other ways it could have been done. How certain people work, how it looks. It's more for generating ideas as opposed to doing what they do. watching how the match works. Eddie is really great when it comes to putting matches together, and the ideas flow. It's awesome to watch. He knows how the crowds work, and how it should look. It's easy to wacth and see why do extra moves and break stride when you can easily work it another way. There is always a different angle.

Eddie training Bj is truely an awesome thing. Bj can learn so much from him.

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