Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump Day

Last night Bj was beating himself up again, not just literally. He is so very hard on himself, and he doesn't need to be. I worry that when I try to point out that it's okay to suck right now he doesn't realize that I don't mean it in a bad way at all. When the other guys get in the ring with Eddie he is watching and critiquing the moves they make. It's harder to have learned and been doing things a certain way and then have to be told to do them right.

The guys are there and they are re-learning stuff too. Bj has a clean slate he's learning from the ground up, the other guys have been doing it for a while and some things they can do and others they can't. Every single one of those guys had to go through the same thing.... I know my baby and I understand that there are certain things he just wants to do right. And him having watched other guys for so long and wanting to be in the ring is not going to make him an expert. He knows it's hard work, we can't jump from one day to the other and be perfect... well I can lol.

If you take a step and watch some guys in the ring... yes even in the WWE, and ROH... they still mess stuff up. So, it stands to realize that in this business there is no such thing as perfection... Even when you have it all down you can have off days and mess stuff up. The point is to get it into your head that you have to do everything over and over and over again until it's a knee jerk reaction to go this way or that way or to not protect your body as it falls to the mat.

The day will come when the brain takes a step back and allows the body to do what it's being trained to do. And one day he will be in the ring and it will not be so perfect, but he will let it roll of his shoulders and move on without punishing himself in the ring.

Bj will be there one day and he is reaching for his dreams he only has to realize that in this case you can walk to your dream instead of running, and it won't be lost. Not everything will come easy, he's learning this about life in general.... We all have hard times every one of us, life isn't sunshine and lollipops. We walk through fire and brimstone sometimes for those we love and to get through those rocky times we have to have faith and believe in ourselves and those who are standing there with us. I believe in him and I know that practice makes perfect! So I can't wait to see where he goes with everything. Can't wait to boo him when he walks down to the ring and make sure others boo him too LOL

1 comment:

  1. Your words are encouraging and I know I have lessons to learn and mental habits I need to not do and I will get them down.
